We are a strategic eco-innovation studio founded by pioneers of industrial ecology, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the ecodesign of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. We have more than 15 years of experience supporting organisations in their circular economy projects. More than 500 clients have placed their trust in our solutions to integrate sustainability into their value proposition.
We believe in innovation and collaboration as leverage to promote the shift towards a sustainable production and consumption system that is compatible with the limits of the biosphere.
Our goal is to inspire, empower, and support organisations to face the challenges and gain the opportunities arising from the circular economy and decarbonisation.
Anna Guillem Colls
Project Officer
Circular Metrics
Environmental Sciences (UAB)
Alicia Invernón Garrido
Project Officer
Quantification of environmental impacts
Bachelor's Degree in Biology (University of Barcelona, UB), Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology (UB), and Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability (Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB)

People who have worked and collaborated with inèdit
Adrià Cantón
Adrià Ruiz
Àgatha Camats
Agustina Casaburi
Aina Cabrero
Alba Moreno
Albert Saladrigas
Ana Almena
Ana Sánchez
Andrea dal Vecchio
Andrea Melet
Andrea Obradors
Anna Petit
Anna Rico
Antonio Larramendi
Ariadna Benet
Arnau Llobet
Ashtri Rocuts
Benjamin Kampinga
Carla Verde
Cecília Ballón
Edilene Pereira
Eduardo Ortiz
Eduardo Pastor
Elisa Pérez
Elisabet Garrido
Elisenda Andrés
Elodie Binois
Esteban Solis
Esther Sanyé
Eva Sevigné
Federico Tarantino
Gabriela Benveniste
Gemma Morell
Giada Trezzi
Hannah Land
Javi Castillo
Joan Berzosa
Jorge Sierra
José Carlos Díaz
José F. López-Aguilar
José Manuel Bollo
Julia Bosse
Laia Camps
Laura Chicharro
Laura Gómez
Laura Huerta
Liliane Melo
Lluís Badia
Lluís Ferrés
Lucía García
Maite Iniesta
Marc Quintana
Marc Roch
Maria Feced
Mariana Montoliu
Marianna Galantucci
Marina Armero
Marina Santa Rosa
Marisi Fernández
Markel Cormenzana
Marta Van Ginkel
Mireia Boada
Montserrat Badia
Neus Cardona
Nicolás J. Aguilar
Nicole Ordóñez
Oriol Lafarga
Palina Lokazyuk
Patricia Pascual
Pere Llorach
Priya Devasirvatham
Ramiro González
Ramón Santiago
Rita Sardà
Roger Castelló
Sandra Costa
Shuran Ye
Simon Colman
Sofía Rueda
Tallullah Sardin
Víctor Cañadas
Víctor Garcia
Víctor Regás
Violeta Vargas
Xavier Hidalgo-Munné
Xisca Bal·le