Integrated Policy

We are a strategic eco-innovation study that inspires, empowers and enable organisations to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities that sustainability brings. inèdit (Barcelona, 2009) started as an initiative from a group of researchers/entrepreneurs from the Research Park from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), confident that eco-innovation was a unique value which should be utilised by companies, whatever their size or sector.

The principles that define the integrated corporate policy of inèdit and give coherence, authenticity and originality to its offer are:

  • The vision and the mission, which respectively define the aspirations (what) and the reason for being (why).

  • Its values and strategic statements (how).

The inèdit offer is formalized and transferred in the form of a value and operational proposal, that is, the concrete expression of the set of benefits that customers will receive and how they are internally conveyed.

Vision and mission

In inèdit we are committed to provide new solutions and facilitate change for a better tomorrow. We want to be the allies of organizations that are committed to eco-innovation in the transition towards a smart, prosperous and sustainable future.

Values and strategic statements

  • The commitment to sustainability, both by personal vocation and by the conviction of business profit.

  • Personalized attention, developing both ad hoc projects and transferring and adapting knowledge to the reality of companies.

  • The creation of new professional profiles to respond to the challenges and opportunities facing our company.

  • Multidisciplinarity, forming a professional team capable of responding to the needs and expectations, both present and future, of our clients.

  • Quality and sustainability as inseparable binomial: continuous improvement to meet the expectations of our customers.

Value and operational proposal

inèdit combines creativity and technique, to offer original and optimal solutions, as viable, desirable and sustainable. We offer services that increase competitiveness, improving the efficiency and / or supply of companies, and enhance leadership in sustainability, evolving the value proposition of companies to anticipate the future.

For this, inèdit develops the following operational values:

  • Customer orientation to meet your needs and expectations.

  • A work environment that stimulates initiative, innovation and creativity, and promotes the professional and personal development of the entire team.

  • Recognition of successes, both individual and team.

  • Decision making delegated to the lowest competent level.

  • Commitment to prevention, with a life cycle perspective.

To achieve this, inèdit sets the indicators corresponding to each of the measurable parameters, assigning values that will constitute our quality and environmental objectives for the period set; These objectives will accompany this statement and will be reviewed jointly in pre-set periods.