inèdit is a member of the management board of the new Catalan Waste Cluster
An instrument to move with more speed and real impact towards the circular economy
After years of public momentum, the presentation of the Waste Cluster, the first in this sector in Catalonia, was held on Wednesday 18 January.
The Waste Cluster is a joint initiative of the Waste Agency of Catalonia and ACCIÓ with the aim to boost all key aspects of the business (improving competitiveness, R&D projects, opening new markets, etc.) through the joint work of the entire value chain by creating a cluster initiative in Catalonia which is tantamount to those developed internationally. Based on this vision of the value chain, the waste industry in Catalonia is made up of 693 companies with a turnover of 10 billion euros and some 41,000 workers.
inèdit & Catalan Waste Cluster
We are founding members, we are part of the management board and, from the very beginning, we have actively participated in the creation of the cluster until it was born. The aim is to decide together the cluster’s policy, promote the circular economy, face new strategic challenges for the futureand turn ideas into innovative and transformative projects.
“The Waste Cluster is undoubtedly an instrument at the service of companies with ideas and a desire to promote a more circular economy, where waste is not generated or is a valuable asset”
On behalf of inèdit, Adriana Sanz and Carles Gasol attended the act and emphasize that “the convening power that we saw undeniable fact a clear general interest”. Adriana Sanz comments that “the Waste Cluster is undoubtedly an instrument at the service of companies with ideas and a desire to promote a more circular economy, where waste is not generated or is a valuable asset”. Carles Gasol adds that “the negative connotation of waste has to be changed so that we have more resilience in our economy; the cluster has to be an instrument to move with more speed and real impact towards the circular economy”.
The 30 founding partner companies of the new waste cluster are Alfametal, Alier, Aquambiente Circular Economy Solutions, Autorec, el Centre de Gestió Mediambiental (CGM), CLD, Comercial Riba Farré, Datambient, Eurecat, la Fundació Formació i Treball, el Gremi de Recuperació de Catalunya, Griñó, Grup Altadill, Grup Celsa, Inèdit, Leitat, Moba, Picvisa, PreWaste, PreZero,Promsa, Reverter Industries, Romero Polo, Ros Roca, Scrap Point, Simplr, Tradebe, la Universitat de Vic, Venvirotech and Veolia.