The carbon footprint in audiovisual production

The audiovisual industry is characterised by projects concentrated in short periods of time and with a high degree of heterogeneity between them, as well as a multitude of agents involved. It is a resource-intensive industry and its carbon footprint is caused by, among other things, transport, accommodation, food, energy and raw materials consumed. Even so, the total of these impacts and the distribution of these impacts in the different stages of each project varies greatly between productions. For all these reasons, analysing the life cycle of a production entails a certain complexity.

In fact, calculating the carbon footprint in this sector is still incipient and innovative, but there are initiatives that are studying the impact of the sector’s activities and how to improve it.

Is inèdit working with the audiovisual sector?

Yes, in 2022 we started working with the Efficiency, Quality and Environment Area of the Mediapro Group, a leading group in the European audiovisual sector. The aim of the project is to design a climate action plan for the company’s audiovisual content production by calculating the carbon footprint of different types of production. This will be the first phase of the project, which will serve to guidelines of action, set reduction targets, and determine the contribution of productions to greenhouse gas emissions. In a second phase, the aim is to promote the dynamization of the sector, including suppliers, associations, and administration, and to join forces for the progressive and continuous reduction of the environmental impact of the audiovisual industry. Changes do not come alone; someone has to lead them!