We launch the LEONARDO project: IoT design and development for remote supervision, management and maintenance of professional coffee machines
The project seeks to accelerate its scalability by expanding new functionalities for remote use, predictive control of repairs and consumption that complete the solution through IoT technology.
The platform currently allows coffee machine owners (mainly coffee roasting companies and restaurant chains), users, the technical service network and the management organization itself Caffè de Autore to access remotely to the network of all installed machines, and to all the relevant information related to them, based on their profile and interest.
The LEONARDO project, which will be developed by the consortium formed by the Foodservice Cluster, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Q2B Studio, Speed Telematics, AEI Cluster Gaia and inèdit, aims to design and develop new functionalities for the platform, to learn even more about how coffee machines are used, as well as extending it to product segments and channels similar to that of professional coffee machines.
LEONARDO seeks to accelerate the scalability and impact of the Leonardo platform by expanding new functionalities for remote use, predictive control of repairs and consumption that complete the solution through IoT technology.
Our team will measure the environmental impact of the project through carbon footprint analysis and assist in developing the best implementation of the proposal. The project will be carried out during the period between July 2022 and April 2023.
*El proyecto AEI-010500-2022b-90 está cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo (MINCOTUR) mediante la segunda convocatoria de AEIs del 2022 en el marco de las ayudas Next Generation y el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.