What’s new?

Circular business models to prevent, minimise, and valorise construction and demolition waste (CDW)

Generating EPDs at Scale: The Challenge Cement Companies Have Solved with a Tool Developed by inèdit

Les empreses, més circulars quan les dones hi ocupen càrrecs de lideratge

Agafar les regnes de la descarbonització

A new regulation to tackle the inefficient use of resources and the generation of packaging waste at its root

The textile industry is 0.3% circular, according to the ‘Circularity Gap Report Textiles’

Extreme heat will be the main cause of economic losses for companies in the next decade, with the telecommunications sector being the most affected

Plastic beverage containers will have to be returnable by the end of 2026 in Spain

84% of carbon credits issued do not contribute to mitigating climate change, according to a ‘Nature’ article

Identified priorities for the first work plan of the new Ecodesign Regulation

A more sustainable olive oil value chain thanks to insect farming

The EU Council adopts the new Construction Products Regulation, promoting the circular economy and introducing digital product passports in this sector

Aprovat el projecte de Llei d’Informació Empresarials sobre Sostenibilitat, que transposa la Directiva europea CSRD

New Packaging Recyclability Diagnostic Service

Packimpact, the tool for environmental quantification in the packaging sector, presents its more comprehensive version 2.0

Bending the trend: the power of businesses

Chilean academics will acquire knowledge in circular economy and ecodesign thanks to a training course delivered by inèdit

Entra en vigor la Directiva que obliga la reparació de béns

A circular energy project to supply sub-Saharan Africa

The New European Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation is Approved

The repair of goods, a pillar of the circular economy and a business opportunity

Accelerating the shift towards a more circular economy in Europe is urgent

A new carbon calculator focusing on the savings of emissions due to waste prevention

EU Parliament Passes Landmark Legislation to Enhance Consumer Right to Repair

Water foodprint and ISO 14046:2014 water footprint, what are they and how do they differ?

From a PowerPoint to invoicing two million euros in projects with impact

The 90% of municipal textile waste in Catalonia ends up in landfills or incinerators

Adapting circularity strategies to the reality of the territory: the case of the Tarapacá region

Approval of the roadmap for the circular economy in Catalonia, and now what?

A Systemic Change

A reference guide for the agri-food sector on circular economy and decarbonization

The foundations of the Digital Product Passport (PDP) for the habitat sector will be set in a new project

Scaling Returnable Packaging: Keys to Making it a Reality

A project driving design towards sustainability has just kicked off

More than 200 Catalan wineries will be able to calculate their carbon footprint thanks to an online tool developed by inèdit

How sustainable business practices can also be profitable

Una herramienta permitirá a las fábricas de pienso para la ganadería calcular su huella de carbono de manera fácil y rápida

Només el 5% dels mòbils es reciclen a la UE, i a les llars europees s’hi acumulen 700 milions de dispositius en desús

Iberital Anew, la primera màquina de cafè circular, Premi 2023 Rezero Catalunya en la categoria d’Empresa

Els principals projectes de compensació d’emissions són «porqueria», segons un estudi internacional

Spain’s wine industry embraces decarbonisation

Packimpact, the environmental quantification tool for the Catalan packaging sector

A presentation on the territory circularity of Catalonia will kick off the CircularFest Chilean festival

Una metodologia permetrà calcular els residus que generen els festivals de Catalunya

Inèdit will collaborate with CircularTec to promote the circular economy, ecodesign, and decarbonization in northern Chile

New CSRD Directive mandates companies to disclose resource usage and circular practices

Metrics to accelerate the transition of businesses towards the circular economy

More circular economy needed to make European sustainable

Climate Risks in the Industrials Sector

“Increasingly, the market will look for products and producers that comply with a strict path to Net Zero, that’s when we will have a competitive advantage”

The new EU criteria against greenwashing

The recycled and recyclable cardboard box facilitates the transport of products at -21°C

New approaches and technologies to address the global and local environmental impact of pork production

We became the outsourced sustainability department for industrial SMEs

The importance of communicating what we do

We are a sister organization of Circle Economy

Uriach analyses all its packaging with sustainability criteria

inèdit’s Equality Committee provides training to the team

The carbon footprint in audiovisual production

Tannin production from local Aleppo pine bark by-products

inèdit is a member of the management board of the new Catalan Waste Cluster

The global economy is now only 7.2% circular according to the Circularity Gap Report 2023

5 points for assessing the sustainability of cosmetic packaging

The project that allows you to travel and still implement the Deposit, Refund and Return System (SDDR)

We launch the LEONARDO project: IoT design and development for remote supervision, management and maintenance of professional coffee machines

We join the Commerce Chamber of Zaragoza

The conclusions and results of the B30 Circular Action Network project are presented

Circular Pack is presented at the Fira Alimentaria 2022 (Food Trade Fair)

Reuse of wine bottle systems: an essential undertaking

Find out about the new legislation for more circular packaging

Would you close an art center in the name of the climate emergency?

The transition to a circular economy in the context of the 2030 Agenda

More than 100 sustainable success stories that are designed and produced in Catalonia